Bike Fit


A proper bike fit will ensure that, from a mechanical point of view, your upper body and arms, down through your legs, will be able to transmit as much power as possible into moving you forward and ultimately be comfortable doing it. With handlebars and brakes within easy reach, a balanced riding position will allow you to corner confidently, brake, and descend.

We at Cranked are trained by the expert staff at Specialized and Retul University to analyze each rider’s unique attributes, pedal stroke, and body position. Using the data gained during the assessment, we optimize the bike and equipment to match your biomechanical profile.

Key Elements of a Cranked Bike Fit

Pre-Fit Interview

The pre-fit interview is intended to be a quick scan to sharpen the focus of the flexibility assessment. By asking structured questions about the injury history of specific body parts or joints, we can anticipate problems with flexibility that will affect your saddle position, handlebar drop, and stance width.

20-Point Flexibility Assessment

This evaluation gains an accurate picture of your flexibility and other physical attributes, including assessment of foot structure, knee position, spinal curve, shoulder extension, hip flexion, and leg length, among others.

BG RETUL Bike Fit Packages

Static Fit ~ 30 Minutes

Perfectly adjust the seat height and set back to obtain a pain-free and efficient pedal stroke.


2D Body Geometry Fit ~ 2 hours

BG FIT (Body Geometry Fit Integration Technology) is a comprehensive fit philosophy created to help cyclists ride faster, longer, and in greater comfort while reducing the chance of injury.

The goal is to fit the bike, so you are comfortable with your hands on the hoods, can climb and relax using the tops, and descend and sprint from the drops. To do this, all three bar positions must be comfortable and useable. Finding a good “neutral” position allows you to adapt to changes in terrain, cadence, and effort.

All 2D fits include the following

  • Pre fit interview
  • Flexibility assessment
  • Body alignment assessment
  • Cleat Adjustment
  • Comprehensive static and dynamic side view position and fit
  • Dynamic saddle and handlebar positioning
  • Shoulder/Elbow/Hand Alignment
$300 (Tri Add on $50)

Retul Vantage 3D Fit ~ 3 hours

RETUL MÜVE and VANTAGE is a motion capture system that records 29 full sets of rider data per second as you ride. Data is read by infra-red from 8 key points on your body and tracked 3 dimensionally, allowing us to uncover asymmetries that are normally never found with a traditional fit.

Focused on the finer points of your alignment, pedal stroke, and biomechanics, this step makes specific adjustments to position to optimize performance and comfort. These adjustments align you squarely on the saddle to achieve balanced power delivery from the whole body.

As with all bike fitting, our first goal of Race fit is to make the bike comfortable based on your unique needs. Our second goal is to make you as fast as possible on race day. This fitting starts with a full-body assessment, including a range of motion, previous injuries, and flexibility. We use our special combination of BG Fit and Retul practices to best fit you and your bike. The penultimate stop of the fit process is a 10km road test with close observation by Nick, our level 2 certified fitter.

  • Shoe sizing & cleat placement
  • Insole selection
  • Saddle sizing and selection
  • Saddle height
  • Saddle fore/aft position
  • Stem length & position
  • Handlebar width & position

3D Race Fit ~ 3+ hours

Everything included in the RETUL Vantage 3D Fit plus:

  • 10 km road test with Nick
  • Mid-season re-evaluation